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Environmental Impact Assessments

Virtually all developments result in impacts on the environment. Predicting the nature, scale and duration of those impacts on species and ecosystems requires understanding of their ecology and the processes that sustain them.


We are well recognised for our technical capacity to identify the pathways by which receptor species and communities may be impacted, and Biota has developed objective approaches to determining whether an impact is likely to be significant.


Formal Environmental Reviews

The level of assessment at which proposed developments will be assessed is set by the EPA under the state Environmental Protection Act 1986. Those that will be formally assessed by the EPA are subject to a level of public environmental review, requiring technical studies and a formal review, consistent with approved scoping requirements. Proposals can similarly be deemed to be Controlled Actions under the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Act 1999, which also requires a formally documented public assessment process.

Biota has led, prepared and contributed key elements to numerous formal environmental reviews, including meeting both state and Commonwealth requirements.


Other Environmental Approvals

Proposed developments that may impact on environmental factors, or matters of national environmental significance, could require referral to the Western Australian Environmental Protection Authority (EPA), and may also required referral at Commonwealth level under the terms of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.  


There are also multiple other possible environmental approvals pathways that may be appropriate to particular projects. Biota has assisted proponents with strategic approaches to the assessment process, advice on the need to refer, potential assessment pathways and support with preparing and lodging referral documentation at both State and Commonwealth levels of government.

Environmenal Reviews

Environmental Management Plans

Even with the strongest commitment to the avoidance of impacts, residual risks remain that projects may both directly and indirectly affect environmental values. Environmental Management Plans (EMPs) are then needed - or required by regulators - to ensure that appropriate management measures are implemented.

Biota has experience with preparing both general construction and operations EMPs to meet regulatory expectations, and we have also prepared species-specific management plans for Threatened fauna and flora and fire management plans for the protection of infrastructure and improving landscape biodiversity values.


©  Biota Environmental Sciences Pty Ltd  2020

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